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Now police are looking at Cox as a possible suspect in the 1999 bludgeoning death of radiologist Alfred Moon. They said that Cox had been living in Boucher's home for about a week before the attack. Police said Cox repeatedly kicked Boucher in the face. Police arrested Cox, 34, and charged him with one count of first-degree robbery, one count of larceny of a motor vehicle, and one count of assault with a deadly weapon-his shoe. Cox has allegedly starred in gay erotic films under the name Vince Cobretti.īoucher was found in his home January 4 with facial injuries so severe he could not communicate and required surgery for a blood clot in his brain. State police major John Leyden said Tuesday that investgators have taken a 'renewed interest' in Theodore Cox since he was arrested January 6 in connection with a brutal assault on Edward Boucher, 65.

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The arrest of a gay-porn star in connection with the brutal beating of a Rhode Island man has led police to reopen an investigation into a 1999 bludgeoning death of another man, reports the Woonsocket Call.

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